Why should you use organic lawn care on your lawn and garden. The first reason is if you have kids,grandkids or pets that use the area, they are in no danger from deadly chemicals that might be used. How many times have you seen after a commercial product is used they put signs up warning people to keep children and pets off the grass. Once these chemicals seep into the ground the chemicals enter the water table and can cause further pollution. The second reason to use organic lawn care is that it works better than a commercial treatment. If you have to re-apply  the treatment then it is not only more expensive than an organic solution, it doesn't work as well. Another reason to use organic lawn treatment is many cities, towns and counties have now banned chemicals from being used. If you still want a beautiful yard and are concerned with the safety of commercial products, then an organic lawn care is the only solution. For more information check out the best  organic solution available  for organic lawn care http:nuurl.us/babc2




Would you  spray chemicals all over your body? Of course you would not, at least not on purpose. Why are you doing the same thing to your lawn and garden. Everyone wants a nice green lawn that is chemical and bug free. People also want a garden that flourishes with large and healthy produce. The chemicals used to keep your lawn green, and bug free also interact with the environment and if you come into contact with it, the chemicals interact with you. Why would you try to grow healthy vegetables and then dump chemicals on them? Then you turn around and eat the vegetables laced with chemicals. My friend John Perez has spent 50 years studying organics and has some wonderful formulas for improving your lawn and garden. To read about John's recipes go to http://nuurl.us/babc2 .


Why are there more bugs now than ever before. The first reason is that their natural predators, the common backyard birds are dying off. Chemicals are one reason, urban sprawl and big agriculture have taken their toll on sparrows, chickadees and meadowlarks. Also pesticides are not as effective, as the insects have formed an immunity to the active ingrediants. When using chemical pesticides which are less effective we continue to pollute the environment. A natural way to control mosquitoes in your yard is to purchase Mosquito Dunks. Mosquito Dunks is made from Bacillus thuringiensis isrealensis (BTI) which is a bacterial mosquito larvicide. It is safe for fish,plants,people and wildlife. Just throw one of the coils into any standing water such as birdbaths, ponds, ditches ,rain barrels roof gutters and unused swimming pools. If you would like to make your own bug spray rather than putting a chemical spray on your body follow this formula. You can use either, pennyroyal, lemon balm (citronella), thyme, or lavender. All are effective. Add 10-20 drops of essential oil to 2 tablespoons of base oil like olive or almond oil into a glass jar. Shake to blend and dab a few drops on your skin or clothing. This ideal for children as it is effective and non toxic. For more about organic lawn care go to http://nuurl.us/babc2


Why is mulching important to organic lawn and garden care? Mulching serves various important purposes. It adjusts ground temperature in spring and fall and maintains a more constant temperature during the hot summer months. Laying mulching down around growing plants will keep away weeds by blocking sunlight. Not only will it retard the growth of weeds, but it will keep the soil moist by slowing evaporation. Adding mulch will slow erosion,repel insects and add organic matter and nutrients to the soil by gradual breakdown of mulch material. The best materials for mulching are grass clippings, leaves,hay, straw, shredded bark, whole bark nuggets and sawdust. Adding compost material in the spring is important for a healthy garden. For more organic lawn care tips go to http://nuurl.us/babc2 .

Organic lawn care and composting go hand in hand especially if you are adding the composting material to your flower and vegetable gardens. The natural composting material is the best fertilizer you can add to help vegetation grow. The above video explores some of the more common problems associated with composting. For more organic lawn care tips check out http://nuurl.us/babc2 .


As winter is approaching it is time to think about getting your lawn and garden ready for winter. Be sure to prepare your yard the organic way. Consider doing the following to prepare your yard for winter:
   -Fertilizing your lawn is more important in the fall than it is in the spring. Using an organic fertilizer in the fall dictates how strong the grass will be the next year. If possible use a push or electric mulching mower to help reduce the toxic air emissions produced by two and four-stroke gas mowers.
-Leave plants that are in bloom alone along with anything thatseeds so birds will have some food during the winter months. You should cut back anything that looks mushy or dried out and put this garden waste into the compost.
-Wrap evergreens and new trees if the need protection from wind and cold. This is especially important for first year trees. Drape fabric (light insulation cloth or burlap will do) and staple them to stakes placed a few feet away. Older trees might not need to be wrapped but could use a mulch, leaf, bark combination added at the base. Plants native to an area don't need any special treatment for the winter.
-As a final fall project, clean all your garden equipment with fine steel wool and rub with vegetable oil to remove rust and dirt and protect the tools for spring use. Additional organic lawn care advice and tips available at http://nuurl.us/babc2 .